We are Billiards. From our inception in 1990 to our ongoing pursuit of inclusion in the Olympic Games, our growth, authority and presence in the sporting world is uncontested.
The intended creation of WCBS is discussed at the first convention, in Bristol (GBR)
WCBS was officially formed at the inaugural General Assembly in Yverdon-les-Bains (SUI)

Provisional membership of Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) granted

WCBS receives Outright Recognition from the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

Participation in World Youth Games in Moscow (RUS) and Bangkok Asian Games (THA)
Accepted as full member of GAISF
Akita marks first appearance at The World Games
Ongoing participation in every iteration of The World Games

The first WCBS Championship takes place in Ankara, Türkiye

From federations to players to fans and across all walks of life, WCBS aims to unite the global Billiards community. Together we strive to inspire, excite and share the passion of Billiards as a sport to a new generation of players, while solidifying our global stature with inclusion into international multi-sport events.
Founded in 1992, WCBS is a member of ARISF and GAISF and is the only authority in Billiards Sports that is recognized by the International Olympic Committee.


The Union Mondiale de Billard (UMB) is the sole world governing body for Carom/Carombole Billiards under the auspices of the WCBS.

The World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) is the sole world governing body for all Pool-Billiards disciplines under the auspices of the WCBS.

The International Billiards and Snooker Federation (IBSF) is the sole world governing body for Snooker and English Billiards under the auspices of the WCBS.

Farouk El Barki

Ishaun Singh
Vice PresidentSouth Africa

Vice PresidentQatar

Diane Wild
Secretary-General and TreasurerSwitzerland

James Leacy
Anti-Doping DirectorIreland

Fernando Requena
Media DirectorSpain

Sports DirectorSyria

Barry Jenner
Board MemberAustralia

Jorgen Sandman
Board MemberSweden
Download PDFWhile retaining and respecting the complete autonomy and independence of each Member, the governing bodies for Carom, Pool and Snooker, in the administration and running of their disciplines, the aims and objectives of the WCBS are;
i) Sports Policy
To adopt a sports policy that is not in conflict with the IOC’s rules as set forth in the Olympic Charter, notably the adoption and implementation of the World Anti-Doping Code as well as the Olympic Movement Code on the Prevention of Manipulation of Competitions.
ii) Values
To promote and develop Billiards Sports based on human rights, democratic principles and social values of universal fraternity and solidarity, through international administrations and competitions, irrespective of nationality, race, religion, gender or politics.
iii) Recognition and Inclusion
To develop a close liaison with the IOC (including the ARISF and the ASOIF), the GAISF, and all other MSE organisations, in order to obtain optimal recognition for Billiards Sports and the WCBS. To seek inclusion of Billiards Sports in the Olympic Games, the World Games and all other MSE including two or more continents, as well as to assist regional bodies for inclusion of Billiards Sports into regional MSE.
iv) Promotion
To promote Billiards Sports internationally, especially to the youth of the world.
v) Rules and Format
To standardize competitive rules, guidelines and format of play for Billiards Sports worldwide.
vi) Regional and National Bodies.
To advise and assist in the formation of Regional and National federations of Billiards Sports, and to promote the recognition of Billiards Sports by NOC’s whenever needed.
vii) Activities and Rules
To print and publicize the activities, events and rules of the WCBS and of other sports organizations connected to Billiards Sports.
viii) Public Relations
To promote and advertise all Billiards Sports via public sports authorities, NOC’s, press media, television networks, Internet, etc., and maintain a regular information network between the Members.
ix) Referees
To liaise with the Referees Association under each Member and maintain a register of qualified International Referees for deployment in WCBS and/or MSE events.
x) Education
To promote proper education of Instructors and Coaches through recognized academies in order to enhance the skill levels of play.
xi) WCBS Events
To develop WCBS events including disciplines from all Members, for men, women and youth in both individual and team formats.
xii) Anti-Doping and prevention of the manipulation of competitions
The WCBS recognizes the WADA Anti-Doping Code and is determined to do its outmost in order to keep Billiards Sports free from any and all performance-enhancing drugs. The WCBS Anti- Doping Rules are in accordance with the WADA Anti-Doping Code. The WCBS is determined to do its outmost in order to protect all competitions from the risk of manipulation and recognize the Code on the prevention of the manipulation of competitions.
xiii) Other Objectives
To do all other things necessary, that are incidental and conducive to the attainment and enhancement of the aims and objectives of the WCBS.
Download the full WCBS Constitution.
The World Confederation of Billiards Sports fully supports and adopts the World Anti-Doping Code. All governing bodies for the various affiliated disciplines undertake pre-competition inspections of all venues to ensure safety standards are met and are in line with local legislative requirements. Onsite medical staff is in place at all times during events. Guidance on prohibited substances is circulated to players.
The WCBS and its affiliated governing bodies have Anti-Doping Rules and regulations that are in force throughout all competitions.
Learn more about Anti-Doping
WCBS Anti-Doping Structure
The WCBS Anti-Doping Rules are based on the World Anti-Doping Code and came into force on 1st January 2021.
WCBS Anti-Doping Rules
Here are some important WADA Documents:
World Anti-Doping Code (Code)
International Standard for Testing and Investigations (ISTI)
International Standard for Laboratories (ISL)
International Standard for Therapeutic Use Exemptions (ISTUE)
International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information (ISPPPI)
International Standard for Code Compliance by Signatories (ISCCS)
International Standard for Education (ISE)
International Standard for Result Management (ISRM)
The List of Prohibited Substances and Methods (List)
Athletes’ Anti-Doping Rights Act (Act)
The Prohibited List identifies substances and methods prohibited in-competition, at all times (i.e. in- and out-of-competition), and in particular sports. Substances and methods are classified by categories (e.g. steroids, stimulants, masking agents). The List is updated at least annually following an extensive consultation process facilitated by WADA.
Learn more about the Prohibited List
Refer to the 2024 International Standard Prohibited List
Refer to the 2025 International Standard Prohibited List
Extreme caution is recommended regarding supplement use. A number of positive tests have been attributed to the misuse of supplements, poor labeling, or contamination of dietary supplements.
Learn more about Supplement Use
WCBS recognizes the decisions of the national TUE committees. Competitors having TUE decisions must inform about those facts to the organizers of international Billiards tournaments – at least 30 days before the world and continental championships and 20 days before the other events. In case of any doubts, the tournament organizer may request confirmation of the player’s status by contacting the WCBS Anti-Doping Committee at the information below.
Please write to James Leacy at james.leacy@billiards.sport.
Important note about International Level Athletes –
International-Level Athlete (ILA): The following Athletes shall be considered to be International-Level Athletes for the purposes of Anti-Doping Rules, and, therefore, the specific provisions in these Anti-Doping Rules applicable to International-Level Athletes (e.g., Testing, TUEs, Whereabouts, and Results Management) shall apply to such Athletes: (a) Athletes included in the WCBS Registered Testing Pool, Testing Pool, and any other pool if established by WCBS (b) Athletes who are ranked in the first 16 places of the final annual official rankings and World Championships of UMB, WPA, and IBSF; (c) Athletes who have won medals at the World Games., focusing on those pertinent internationally. WCBS has published a list of its International-Level Athletes.
TUEs At-A-Glance
TUE Application Process
TUE Application Form
All TUE application forms are to be sent to POLADA at tue@antydoping.pl.
The aim of testing is to protect clean athletes through the detection and deterrence of doping.
Learn more about Testing
2021 Anti-Doping Testing Figures
Providing whereabouts is about protecting your right to clean sport. Whereabouts information gives the Anti-Doping Organization (ADO) the ability to locate athletes with no notice, which is vital to testing athletes who choose to cheat themselves by doping.
Learn more about Whereabouts
Learn more about ADAMS
2022 and 2023 WCBS International Level Athletes
2024 WCBS International Level Athletes
Every time someone steps forward with information on doping, we move closer to a clean and fair playing field for all. As an athlete, athlete support personnel or any person aware of doping practices has a duty to report their suspicions to WADA, their IF or NADO, even if you are not sure about what you witnessed.
Many ADOs, including WADA, have online, confidential tools to report suspicious behavior. Every piece of information is important.
Effective and clean sport values-based education programs are important to create a strong doping-free culture. WADA has developed resources for athletes, coaches, doctors and any other person who wishes to know more about anti-doping.
ADEL (Anti-Doping Education and Learning Platform) is a WADA Platform that supports the anti-doping community by providing educational solutions for athletes, their support personnel, and other stakeholders.
Learn more about ADEL
Take the Play True Quiz
ADEL Programs
WCBS is unequivocally opposed on ethical and medical grounds to the practice of doping in sport and takes necessary steps against the use of banned substances and methods.
WCBS Anti-Doping Disciplinary Decisions
2023 WCBS Anti-Doping Report
International-Level Athlete (ILA): The following Athletes shall be considered to be International-Level Athletes for the purposes of Anti-Doping Rules, and, therefore, the specific provisions in these Anti-Doping Rules applicable to International-Level Athletes (e.g., Testing, TUEs, Whereabouts, and Results Management) shall apply to such Athletes: (a) Athletes included in the WCBS Registered Testing Pool, Testing Pool, and any other pool if established by WCBS (b) Athletes who are ranked in the first 16 places of the final annual official rankings and World Championships of UMB, WPA, and IBSF; (c) Athletes who have won medals at the World Games., focusing on those pertinent internationally. WCBS has published a list of its International-Level Athletes.
National-Level Athlete (NLA): Athletes who compete in sport at the national level, as defined by each National Anti-Doping Organization, consistent with the International Standard for Testing and Investigations.
Event Period: The Code states that the definition of event period is “The time between the beginning and end of an event, as established by the ruling body of the event.”
In-competition Period: The Code defines the in-competition period as “The period commencing at 11:59 p.m. on the day before a competition in which the athlete is scheduled to participate through the end of such competition and the sample collection process related to such competition.”
Out-of-competition Period: The Code defines the out-of-competition period simply as “Any period which is not in-competition”.
Speak Up
Prohibited Association
James Leacy (Ireland) – Chairman
Herbert Thuer (Austria) – Member
Professor Bengt Lind – Member
James Leacy – james.leacy@billiards.sport
The WCBS Athletes Council has representatives from the three Billiards Disciplines that make up WCBS.
UMB: Martin Horn (Germany) – maexho@gmx.de
WPA: Oscar Dominguez (USA) – ozzymen03@gmail.com
IBSF: Dr. Muhammed Leysi (Turkey) – mleysi@bilardo.gov.tr
Safeguarding Policy for the World Confederation of Billiards Sports (WCBS) – 2024-25
The World Confederation of Billiards Sports (WCBS) is committed to safeguarding the well-being, safety, and rights of all individuals involved in our activities. This policy establishes the principles and practices that ensure a safe and respectful environment, free from harm or abuse, for all participants, particularly children and adults at risk.
This policy applies to all WCBS-affiliated activities, including:
– International, regional, and local events sanctioned by WCBS
– Training sessions, workshops, and outreach programs
– Online and in-person interactions involving WCBS representatives
It is mandatory for all WCBS officials, staff, volunteers, coaches, players, and contractors to comply with this policy.
Key Principles
Zero Tolerance: Any form of abuse, harassment, or exploitation will not be tolerated.
Duty of Care: WCBS acknowledges its responsibility to safeguard participants from harm and ensure their welfare.
Inclusivity and Respect: Safeguarding measures are inclusive, respect diversity, and promote equality.
Confidentiality: Safeguarding concerns will be managed sensitively and confidentially, respecting the rights of all individuals involved.
Accountability: Everyone has a role in safeguarding, and all concerns will be addressed promptly and transparently.
WCBS Leadership: Ensure the effective implementation of safeguarding policies and practices.
Safeguarding Officer: Appoint a qualified officer to oversee safeguarding practices, provide guidance, and handle concerns.
Event Organizers: Incorporate safeguarding protocols into event planning and execution.
Participants and Staff: Adhere to safeguarding guidelines and report concerns immediately.
Education and Training: Deliver safeguarding training to all WCBS representatives and participants working with vulnerable groups.
Safe Recruitment: Conduct background checks for roles involving direct interaction with vulnerable individuals.
Reporting Mechanisms: Provide clear and accessible procedures for reporting safeguarding concerns.
Policy Awareness: Ensure all stakeholders are aware of and understand the safeguarding policy.
Review and Updates
The WCBS Safeguarding Policy will be reviewed annually and updated to align with evolving standards and legal requirements.