March 4, 2021
Armenia Joins IBSF
With the immense pleasure IBSF hereby announces that Armenia is now a member of the International Billiards & Snooker Federation.
On behalf of the IBSF Executive Board and all the members of IBSF, I welcome Armenian Federation as a new member. I also wish to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Armenia for becoming a member of the Billiard Sports fraternity.
We believe that the inclusion of Armenia as a new member of IBSF will be beneficial for both IBSF and Armenia. We also believe that IBSF always provides a platform where the players both men and women of talent, ability, caring, and compassion come together to share their strengths with others.
I am sure that with the help and support of IBSF, Armenian Federation will play its role in nurturing the upcoming talent in Billiard Sports in their country.
Congratulations once again!
Mubarak Al Khayarin
International Billiards & Snooker Federation