July 6, 2023
First-ever WCBS Championship
The World Confederation of Billiards Sports (WCBS) is hosting its own championship for the first time in its history, taking place in Ankara, Türkiye from 20 – 23 of July 2023.
This world-class event will be held with the support of the Turkish Billiards Federation (TBF) and will unite athletes from more than 40 countries and all globally relevant billiards disciplines under one roof.
At the WCBS Championship 2023, the different disciplines of billiards will be presented in an intercontinental team competition.
Special emphasis will be placed on a balanced mix of genders where athletes from Pool, Heyball, 3-Cushion and Snooker will participate and compete over four tournament days for victory and prize money totalling $120,000, of which the winning team alone will receive $40,000.
With this event, for the first time in the history of billiards, all globally popular billiards disciplines, practiced by world-class athletes, will be on display together at a WCBS competition.
Europe and Asia will be represented with two teams each consisting of eight athletes. America and Africa & the Rest of the World will form the fifth and sixth teams.
Among the participants are some of the best-known stars of the billiards world, including the 3-Cushion World Champions Dick Jaspers and Therese Klompenhouwer (both from the Netherlands).
Other renowned athletes such as multiple Team World Champion Martin Horn (Germany), former Junior World Champion Kim Haeng Jik (South Korea), African Champion Sameh Sidhom (Egypt) and many more will also compete in this discipline.
In 10-Ball Pool, multiple World Cups Champion Mario He (Austria), world number four Wei Tzu Chien (Chinese Taipei) and former Junior World Champion Chezka Centeno (Philippines) will be at the table alongside World Championship Runner-up Mohammad Soufi (Syria).
The representatives of the European team in Heyball are, 10-Ball World Champion Eklent Kaci (Albania) and multiple Snooker and Pool World Champion Kelly Fisher (Great Britain).
In Snooker, the current IBSF World Champion Lim Kok Leong from Malaysia will be competing as well as the two World Women’s Champions Waratthanun Sukritthanes (Thailand) and Wendy Jans (Belgium).
The winner of the WCBS Championship 2023 will first be determined in a round-robin format before the semi-finals and finals are scheduled for 23 July.
The WCBS would like to thank its main sponsor Joy for their incredible support. WCBS would also like to thank its other partners Andy Cloth, Aramith Billiard Balls, and Zeki Bilardo for their great support, without which this event would not be possible.
In addition, we are happy to partner with Touch PR Agency from Germany, which is responsible for photos, press releases and PR measures. Furthermore, we would like to thank the Turkish Billiards Federation (TBF) for their role in hosting this event.
For all important information about the schedule, the player list, and the livestream, please visit the following link: https://wcbs.sport/wcbs-championship-2023/
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