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WCBS Championship 2024 Sponsors Announced

The World Confederation of Billiards Sports (WCBS) is delighted to announce its sponsors for the 2nd WCBS Championship to be held in Kielce, Poland from 25-28 July 2024.

After a comprehensive tender process done over the last two months, six prestigious brands from the world of billiards sports were chosen to be partners for the upcoming WCBS Championship.

The WCBS Sponsors for the 2024 Championship are:

Category: Table Cloth Partner

All disciplines (Carom 3-Cushion, Heyball, Pool 10-Ball, Snooker) – ANDY

Category: Billiard Balls Partner

All disciplines (Carom 3-Cushion, Heyball, Pool 10-Ball, Snooker) – ARAMITH

Category: Table Partner






The WCBS would like to thank its main sponsor Joy for their incredible support. WCBS would also like to thank its other partners Andy Cloth, Aramith, Min Table, Rasson, and Wiraka for their great support.

WCBS President Farouk Barki says, “We are excited to be working with such a prestigious list of brands from the world of billiards sports. There’s a strong alignment between WCBS and these brands to promote billiards sports competitions throughout the world and unite the global billiards community, and this multi-discipline WCBS Championship is the perfect setting for us to further this ambition.”


Ahead of the competition, please refer to all the important information released by WCBS here –
