April 29, 2021
WPA-ICEA Joint Press Statement
The World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA) and International Chinese Eight-ball Association (ICEA) are delighted to announce our latest cooperation that sees ICEA becoming the sole authority to manage and promote the sport of Chinese Pool worldwide. ICEA fully recognizes the governing status of the WPA in the pool-billiard system. This milestone event marks ICEA’s entry into the Olympic organogram through the WPA system.
世界撞球协会(WPA)与中式台球国际联合会(ICEA)荣幸地宣布,我们双 方正式签署最新合作协议,使ICEA 成为全球范围内管理和推广中式台球运动 的唯一官方机构。ICEA 深刻认同WPA 在撞球运动体系的管理地位。这一里程 碑事件标志着ICEA 通过WPA 体系进入国际奥林匹克组织体系。
Since its establishment in 2012, the ICEA has made unremitting endeavor to the globalization of this sport. In the past few years, Chinese Pool has become a global sensation. From a street side game to having participants and fans from over 60 countries across the globe, it has become a “next big thing” in the billiard world. Next, ICEA will standardize, normalize and professionalize the league system which will cover 180 countries on six continents, making Chinese Pool an inclusive indoor sport for men and women of all ages.
ICEA 自2012 年成立以来耕耘不辍,致力于将这项运动国际化。在过去几年里, 中式台球在全球引起了轰动。从一项街头运动发展到拥有来自全世界60 多个国 家的参赛者和球迷,成为了国际台球界的新生崛起力量。接下来ICEA 还将继 续推进联赛体系标准化、职业化,并覆盖到全球六大洲180 个国家,使中式台 球成为一项普惠全年龄段男性、女性的室内运动。
As the world governing body of Chinese Pool, ICEA will provide all-dimensional supporting and management system in all countries and continents. ICEA will set up unified standards for the industry and provide guidance on hosting tournaments, professional training, player registration, etc.
ICEA 作为全球范围内中式台球运动的主管团体,将为各大洲、各国家的中式台 球推广工作提供全方位、多维度的支持、服务和管理。ICEA 将订立统一行业标 准,并就各国赛事举办、专业人员培训、球员管理等工作进行指导。
The President of ICEA, Mr Qiao Bing said “We will be working very closely with the WPA for inclusion of Chinese Pool in to the World Games and Olympic Games”.
中式台球国际联合会主席乔冰称,“我们将与世界撞球协会密切合作,努力推 动中式台球运动进入世界运动会乃至奥运会的殿堂。”
The President of WPA, Mr Ian Anderson said “The WPA will support the ICEA in attaining its goals and ambitions and if the past 9 years are anything to go by, then there is no doubt that this will be achieved”.
世界撞球协会主席伊恩·安德森表示,“世界撞球协会将全力支持ICEA 达成 这一远大目标。回首中式台球过去9 年的推广之路,我坚信这个愿景必将实现。
Qiao Bing calls on ardent Chinese Pool followers to approach ICEA, “ICEA will spare no effort to support our fellows around the world. We will provide a clear path for promotion and marketing, so as to pave the way for Chinese Pool activities to be carried out in an orderly way all over the world.”
同时,乔冰呼吁,“全世界热爱中式台球运动的人们请与我们联系,ICEA 将不 遗余力地支持和帮助全球同仁,提供明确的推广路径,从而正规有序地在世界 各地开展中式台球运动,让中式台球运动在世界顶级运动蓬勃发展、百舸争流 的时代浪潮中奋楫前行。”
World Pool-Billiard Association (WPA)
Ian Anderson – President 伊恩·安德森-主席
International Chinese Eight-ball Association (ICEA)
Qiao Bing – President 乔冰-主席